Saturday, January 5, 2008

Are You FUN to b wif?

1. It's your birthday. Your friends have given you a present but when you open it there is nothing inside. Do you:

A. get angry and tell your friends it was a stupid joke?

B. think it was a good joke and laugh about it with your friends.

C. feel hurt but try to laugh about it?

2. You and your friend have decided to meet at 4pm outside your facourite cafe. You have waited for more than half an hour and finally your friend arrives. She made a mistake and went to the wrong cafe. What do you say?

A. Where have you been?I am going home now.

B. Never mind, let's go inside and get a drink.

C. I never want to see you again.

3. You have bought some new clothes. You tihnk they look good, but when your friends see you wearing them, they laugh and make fun of you. Do you:

A. feel angry and hurt and decided to take the clothes back to the shop?

B. laugh with your friends but keep the clothes?

C. smile, because you do not want to show them that you are hurt?

4. It's Saturday and you have not been out since last week. you are planning to go to your friend's party in the evening, but then your friend phones and tells you there is no party, because he is ill. Do you:

A. think it's no big deal and you can always have fun some where else?

B. feel angry?

C. tell you friend you are sorry and try to make him smile again?

5. You are with a group of friends and somebody is telling a joke that you have heard before. Do you:

A. say you ve already heard the joke and you don't want to hear it again?

B. listen to the joke without laughing?

C. listen to the joke and have a good laugh with the others?

6. Your friend has invited you to her fancy dress party and you have decided to dress up as a chicken. You think you look funny,but when you arrive at the party no one is wearing fancy dress except you! Your friend has played another practical joke on you.Do you:

A. stay at the party and have a good time.

B. think it is funny, but go home and change your clothes then come back to the party.

C. feel very angry with your friend and go home straight away.


Less than 14 points:
your friends probably think you are quite serious and not usually great fun to be with. Life is not so terrible you know! Sometimes it is good to have fun.

14-24 points:(Sy)
You are often fun to be with, but you can also be serious. Your friends know they can usually have a laugh with you but when you are sad or angry you tell them.

25-36 points:
You are always great fun to be with and people usually like you because they know they can have a good laugh with you. but you don not have to be fun all the time.Perhaps sometimes you should be more serious!

Score for answers:
1 2 3 4 5 6
A 2 2 2 4 2 6
B 6 6 6 2 4 4
C 4 0 4 6 6 0